Pack those RV cabinets so contents don’t escape
By Russ and Tiña De Maris
RV manufacturers typically put strong door catches on cupboards, which can prevent flying dishes. Still, some are concerned about what might go on behind closed (cupboard) doors. Is there a way to secure your stuff inside the cabinet?
Start at the ground floor first: Non-skid materials are great for perching plates on. Yes, you can find non-skid material for sale at Camping World stores, but we’ve found an even better (and less expensive) alternative is right down at the neighborhood Walmart store. You can buy rolls of non-skid material in a variety of colors. Simply use a pair of scissors to cut the stuff to the length you need to fit your cabinets and life is good.
Aside from using non-skid mats, if you’re really concerned that things might “get away” and slam around in the cabinets, you can always stuff it. Stuff it? Yep, you can add a little stuffing around contents. Some RVers use tea towels or other galley cloths, removing them on arrival. Others have found that “swim noodles” or even polyfoam pipe insulation works great. Just cut the stuff to the length you need and shove it around dishes, glassware and even jarred food items.
Some are so worried about this issue that they forgo the pleasure of eating food off real dishes. Nonsense! There’s no need to saw through a steak and get paper-ala-cow. And as far as using plastic dishware, well, phooey! We’ve found that Corelle-brand dishes are not only lightweight, but they also take a great deal of abuse without breaking. Dumping onto the floor usually results in a bit of a bouncing plate, not a shatter.
Other ride-along issues include shampoo, soaps and other notions used in the bathroom. If you can’t find a shower caddy that secures these items firmly enough for a bumpy road, then simply slip them into a dish pan that rides in the bottom of the shower stall when on the road.
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