Vivian Clive with trademark number 1681907 was lodged on 19/03/2015 and has a status of Registered/Protected. The applicant/owner of the trademark is registered as HARPER'S BATHROOM NO. 3 PTY LTD (ACN: 168527679).

Australian trademark 1681907 is one of over a million that we feature on IP in Australia which covers the entire spectrum of trademarks in Australia. HARPER'S BATHROOM NO. 3 PTY LTD is also one of thousands of applicants we’ve analysed. We also understand who are the most prolific inventors in Australia with details on all the trademarks attributed to individuals.

Because we have insights into all the attorney firms that have been used across Australia including which specific trademark attorney worked on each trademark, we have access to unique analytics on the best attorney to use if you have specific trademark needs.

Filing trademarks is a time consuming and expensive exercise which is why care needs to be taken ensuring that you’re working with the right individual.

Because we’re an independent third party we can give you unbiased insights and recommendations on the right partner to choose. For more information contact us


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