Delta Faucet Inpsires our Bathroom Makeover

We are so excited to watch as our master bathroom transition starts to happen. We started with a very plain, builder installed bathroom with nothing excited to show off. When our two new Delta faucets arrived, we couldn’t even wait around for a professional installation crew. We wanted to test them out and put them to use so we got to work and tackled the installation job ourselves.

Comparison of new and old faucets

I was surprised by how easy the installation was! We ran into only one snag while we were installing our faucets and it had nothing to do with the new faucets. Our old faucet used a cinched end for the hoses that came off the main water line. We had to completely remove those as they weren’t compatible so we just removed the whole line all the way back to the water valves where you can switch the water line to on and off. Once those lines were off, the rest of the setup was easy!

Bathroom Makeover Project

Our new faucets have already completely changed the look and the feel of the bathroom! They have dulled the cheap builder look we started with and given us a high class look with a stunning finish that really makes our white countertop shine! We’re not finished yet, though. We have a few other small bathroom design ideas in mind to really finish off our bathroom that have been inspired by our change of faucets. We plan to frame our bathroom mirror to give it a finished look and add accessories, color and texture into our bathroom makeover to really give the room a look that will complement our new gorgeous faucets!

Come see some of my bathroom inspirations and find the start to your own bathroom projects on my Inspired Living Bathroom Pinterest board.

DeltaLogo_2C_black_tag_size2Delta Touch2O Technology for your kitchen and bathroom is precisely in tune with your every touch. Take the quiz to learn which faucet style best describes you at

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Delta via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Delta.


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