7 Amazing & Cheap Shower Accessories You Must See
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A hot shower is always the best way to get rid of grime and take away all the stress you take in each day. As a result, more people now see their daily shower as their relaxing getaway.
For most, taking a shower is no longer just a quick hygienic activity. It's their place to unwind and relax. Homeowners now demand a more enjoyable and entertaining shower experience. Maybe not as much as my friend below, but you get the idea.
Are you interested in enhancing your showering experience? Here are seven of the coolest shower accessories you should consider adding today. I guarantee they will not only bring a touch of fun, but will also have you bragging to your friends and family.
Heat-Sensitive LED Showerhead
Price Range: $12-$60
No one likes to step into a shower and get scalded by hot water, especially when you have little kids. For you and your children’s safety, it’s time to install a heat-sensitive LED showerhead. This high-tech LED showerhead will change color from blue, green to red as the temperature increases. When the water hits 115°F, the lights will turn to flashing red, warning you that the temperature is too high. By observing the color transition, you’ll never worry about getting burned.
With just a small investment, you can easily create a fun, yet safe ambience in your bathroom.
Bluetooth Shower Speaker
Price Range: $16-$200
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Whether you like singing in the shower or just enjoying some tunes, a waterproof speaker is definitely a great addition to your shower. The two most common types of waterproof shower speakers are speaker cases and Bluetooth speakers. If you want to avoid the chance of exposing your music devices to moisture, don't use a speaker case. Speaker cases require you to bring your devices into the bathroom. Choose a waterproof Bluetooth speaker instead. Unlike speaker cases, Bluetooth speakers allow you to leave your devices outside the bathroom, yet still provide clear sound quality.
Most Bluetooth speakers come with a suction cup design. You can always stick it on the wall within arm's reach. This way, you can skip songs you dislike and even pick up your calls (if you connect it with your smart phone) while showering.
Gadget-Embedded Shower Curtain
Embedded Shower Curtain" src="denied:" />
Average Price: $40
There’s nothing more entertaining than watching your favorite shows while taking a relaxing shower. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a shower TV. Based on our customer reports, installing a shower TV costs about $300, not to mention the extra $1,000 for a new waterproof TV. If that’s really beyond your budget, a gadget-embedded shower curtain will be a more economical alternative. This musical shower curtain from Hammacher Schlemmer comes with a built-in speaker and a waterproof pocket. You can zip your iPad, iPhone or Android device in the pocket to keep it safe. With an easy touch control through the pocket, you can immediately turn your shower into a media room.
Waterproof Notepad
Waterproof Notepad" src="denied:" />
Price Range: $8-$20
We all know that many “Aha!” moments come in the shower. Nonetheless, more often than not, if you don’t capture your brilliant idea right away, they may just go down the drain. That’s why you need a waterproof notepad placed on your shower wall. Each waterproof notepad pack includes 40 waterproof sheets and a water-resistant pencil, allowing you to jot down ideas as soon as they come to mind.
Worried about losing the pencil? No worries. Both the notepad and the pencil come with a suction cup that can stick to the wall.
Fogless Shower Mirror
Price Range: $20-$100
Given the humidity, your shower is definitely the most comfortable place to shave. But, getting a clean shave in the shower is another thing all together. Even if you have a glass shower mirror, chances are, it will fog up after a warm shower, making it difficult to see. To give yourself a better view of what you’re doing, you need, not merely a shower mirror, but a fog-free shower mirror. With the latest technology, fogless mirrors can efficiently prevent condensation, which means you’ll never miss a spot.
Non-Slip Shower Mat
Price Range: $15-$50
A nice shower will start your day off right or draw your day to a perfect close. So, don’t let a bathroom fall ruin your day/night.
Put a non-slip mat on your shower floors to ensure your shower is safe and enjoyable. I know you may be concerned about the design of non-slip mats, as they usually look unappealing. However, it’s the 21st century. Don't make the assumption before you search online. Just a few clicks and I bet you’ll find many quirky mat designs that can add instant personality to your bathroom.
Take this “banana peel” design for example. Isn’t it practical, yet attractive?
Shower Caddies
Price Range: $30-$70
Just because you have a small shower, it doesn’t mean you can’t get creative with your accessories. In fact, one of the best ways to brighten up your small shower is to add an untraditional shower caddy, like the squid shower caddies above. In addition to creating a touch of fun, the nine tentacles can hold your bathing supplies, helping you make the most of your shower. And, they won’t take up any precious square footage.
No more excuses small shower owners. It’s time to get creative and as you can see from the prices above, it’s pretty cheap.
Tired of your ordinary shower routine? These seven cheap and awesome accessories will certainly lively up your shower experience.
Do you know any cool and useful shower accessories? Don’t be shy. Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments section. Our readers would love to hear more!
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