Elderly and disable served evening meals at 3.30pm
The crisis in social care is laid bare today as a report reveals how vulnerable people are forced to eat evening meals in the middle of the afternoon so overstretched care workers can cram in home visits. The report exposes how elderly, sick and disabled people are often left stranded without food or vital medication – including insulin for diabetes – for hours as care workers are delayed or miss appointments altogether . Families said many care workers were so poorly trained they lacked essential skills such as being able to boil an egg or wash somebody. miss appointments altogether " class="blkBorder img-share" /> The report exposes how elderly, sick and disabled people are often left stranded without food or vital medication – including insulin for diabetes – for hours as care workers are delayed or miss appointments altogether Experts warned that the report, by independent care champion Healthwatch England , was ‘yet another warning signal’ that the ‘crumblin...